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Tuesday, 28 December 2010

World Film ~ Time For CHANGE!!!

Last post for 2010...I thought I would round off this month of world films with 2 that bring on a strong message of CHANGE!

I know it remains a contreversial topic that some will agree/disagree on... but I love checking out topics on all areas and I've always wanted this blog to be much more than an exploration of natural hair...Don't get me wrong, I LOVE natural hair blog posts too, but it just *feels* as though there is a lot of raw energy being manifested in many areas, especially in the arts/films out there. I'm hoping to
share much more of that with you here!

If nothing else, I'm taking the positive energy from these videos to symbolize a need to explore my own SELF growth further in 2011, to really push the boundaries and bring on some fire/creative energy to my daily life.

Enjoy 2011!

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