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Tuesday 19 May 2009

Tarot Tales... The Cards Finally Speak...

Spread out on my yoga mat, they speak loudly lol.

This reading has been spread out on my side table for a few weeks now, yet I think I'm only now getting it. That's the beauty about tarot... it doesn't always give instant results or make sense there and then... most time sorts everything out and you have to let it.

I'm ready to make my new reading. Just one problem, little did I know that after an accident involving coffee and all my books, I hadn't realised that these cards are damaged and some of the images have been harmed.

So for the tarot experts out there...
if your cards are damaged, is that bad luck?
Or can you use them again regardless?
Are damaged cards bad luck?

1 comment:

Dark Moon said...

Tarot cards are going to get worn, ripped, and damaged during the life of their use. Thus, unless the coffee stains have obliterated the images of the card which may obscure you being able to discern them, then you may want to reconsider a fresh deck. If not I would recommend continue using them, since daily usage, handling and wear and tear is a normal part of Tarot usage. If anything it may enhance the energy of the cards and create a unique intuitive connection.

To prevent unnecessary accidents, however, I would also recommend storing them in a wooden Box and wrapped in velour cloth or some wrapping that is sacred or useful to you.

Wishing you Insightful Readings.