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Monday 30 March 2009

Aries Lunar Cycle: March 26 - April 23, 2009

March 26 - April 23, 2009

Get ready to seize the day and turn over a new leaf, because you've definitely reached a turning point. It's time for a change of course and a leap of faith... a quantum leap... in some area of your life.

An intense and fiery Aries New Moon on March 26th is the most powerful day for granting wishes. So as you reflect on your intentions, ask yourself where you need to be daring and brave... and where you need to leave the past behind.

Ruler of the New Moon... Mars, in emotionally sensitivePisces reminds you to take your guidance from a Higher Power and keep the greater good in mind. Whether your leap is large or small, the main thing is to find the message behind what you're experiencing and change or let go of whatever is holding you back.

Spring tells you it's time to reinvent yourself, blaze new trails, and go after the resources you need to make your dreams come true.

What are you willing to do to have the life you want?

Taken from Moon Surfing website.

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