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Thursday 18 June 2009

Updated - Weekend Plan: Summer Solstice Fast!

Summer Solstice 2009

I was reading several websites for ideas on what to do for this weekend's Summer Solstice and came across this web page:

"The focus of the 2009 Summer Solstice Fast is fasting from an emotion to effect a significant change on your emotional body.

For many of us our emotions run us. We are emotion addicts and don't realize this fact. We seek situations that will cause us to experience a particular emotion.

Think about that one problematic emotion that, when you are honest, you actually feel good after experiencing it though most would describe that emotion as negative. Can I get a witness from my Anger Addicts or even my Victim Junkies? Any Fear-Heads in da house!?

I was startled when I first learned that I was an emotion addict. Yep, I was addicted to anger and to feeling like a victim. Awareness was key to me moving past these emotions.

My greatest success came not from suppressing these emotions but from raising my consciousness and my understanding of these emotions.

First of all I had to learn that emotions are choices. So just because I feel an emotion arise does not mean that I have to act on it.

Once I realized this truth about emotions then I began to employ a technique that is brilliant in my mind: I simply ignored all problematic emotions.

We will talk about this more during the fast. But this is key. Ignore the emotions. Get into observation mode, feel that the emotion is there and then just ignore it."

(click above link to read full page)

...This made me wonder about any emotional addictions I have in my own life and how I may use this weekend as a time to meditate on them. I am an emotional junkie sometimes lol! Empath.

So this weekend is set to be a special one! I can't wait... Meditations, yogathon, fasting, emotional cleansing and dusting off a few books to be inspired with. Affirmations. No TV or Internet. Bliss!

FRI-SAT: 24 hour fast on water. Solo day for me. Affirmations. Start my yogathon with simple sequences and ending with a meditation, to be done every 2-3 hours. Journal nearby for reflections.

SUN: SO and I eating only fruit, mangoes and a huge watermelon spring to mind - yum! Ending my weekend with another mini yogathon and meditation.

Please share: What does this time of year mean to you? What will you be doing? And what does this weekend symbolize in your spiritual calendar? All welcome!

1 comment:

Yan Tan said...