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Thursday 21 May 2009

Tyra Show On "Good Hair"

The natural hair forums have been bringing this up for AGES... I have been slow to it and I haven't managed to find any clips online. So I knew I could trust Afrobella to post up on it... The comments were very interesting too!

For those who don't know about it, here is some info:
Do you have that "good hair?
In the African-American community, "good hair" often refers to hair that's not kinky, coarse or short. Tyra talks to women from within the community to investigate the effects their hair has on their self-esteem and more. Later, we'll even meet little girls and their moms who all have different opinions on "good hair."

1 comment:

Jc said...

Yes alot of reviews have been harsh but one of my friends in USA told me that the show was actually pretty balanced including two natural haired authors who explained why all hair is good hair(she couldn't remember the book)

I am a Tyra fan myself. I think sometimes black people are guilty of bashing other black people for a variety of reasons with one main thread 'not doing enough'.

This is a TV show, Tyra has highlighted a much needed subject and got people talking. There is only so much you can do in 45 minutes, she isn't able or trying to change the world!

Sometimes I think we naturals stab ourselves by simply not acknowledging the efforts of others. Who else has talked about this